:: Sunday, September 12, 2004 ::
Throwing the Election?
According to many, CBS is in trouble. Accusations are flying all over the internet: someone forged documents that are libelous to George W. Bush.
Here's one of the summary blog articles: Power Line: The Sixty-First Minute
There are a couple of Minneapolis lawyers keeping an eye on the situation: follow the story on LGF.
This is serious.
Our American news media give us the impression that they are "objective journalists," doing nothing more than finding the facts and reporting them. If one looks through the history of American Journalism, it is quite clear that this has absolutely never been the case.
This case is, at best, a case of serious irresponsibility on the part of the network. At worst, it is intentionally lying about someone. It's not clear yet which one it is. It's hard to trust "news" sources when they do this.
:: Matt 9/12/2004 02:50:00 PM :: permalink ::