:: Saturday, August 28, 2004 ::
Emerging Reading List
Book 1: The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations
Post 2: Gatherings
In the second section of his book, Kimball focuses on "vintage worship gatherings." Once again, Kimball does well for his audience by letting them in on the thought and practice of the emerging church.
During seminary I wrote a paper on the use of visible symbol in worship (one of Kimball's main ideas). Dr. Bob Webber (i.e., Dr. Robert E. Webber, author of Ancient-Future Faith, The Younger Evangelicals, etc.) recommended to me that I investigate it from a historical perspective. It seems that in the reformation we all began to perceive that any visible symbol - artistry, architecture, movement, etc. - was idolatrous. We ended up substituting an artistic visual symbol for the visual symbol of the blank wall.
This, of course, has never been all that appealing to me. I love to create space - usually just my room, or a living room - space for worship that invokes the beautiful, historical depth of the faith.
When we began our morning prayer gatherings in January, we started with the Book of Common Prayer. We engaged our living room as our worship space and it sanctified that space for the rest of the time when we were not worshipping.
Just a thought...
:: Matt 8/28/2004 12:47:00 PM :: permalink ::