:: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 ::
On a lighter note...
I was handed an article this afternoon written by Stephen Katz called How to Speak and Write Postmodern. It's downright hilarious.
It's especially funny when one considers the fact that the most common usages of the term "postmodern" come from "evangelical Christians" (whatever that means) and that your run-of-the mill American (who, incidentally, would not probably self-identify as an "evangelical Christian" [gasp!] ) has very little grasp of what this postmodern thing is and why certain people are getting so compulsively verbal over it.
Let's just quit trying so hard to market to "those postmoderns" and get back to the basics: Loving God with our whole being and Loving our Neighbor as ourselves. And this probably means more of a "working it out" than a "figgering it out". When we do that, it seems that the whole relevance question gets worked out without nearly so much "sound and fury."
:: Matt 2/19/2003 01:46:00 PM :: permalink ::