:: Monday, February 17, 2003 ::
I've been told that my argument is unclear in the two posts earlier on community. So I'll try to clarify.
1. Yes, I'm saying several things at once.
2. Just occupying adjacent space simultaneously does not make for real community. (The airplane thing & the kind of worship prevelant in many churches.)
3. One of the main arguments I have heard for why Christians should be in community (other than "that's just the way it is") is "accountability." This means that we share in community so that we don't go astray, stay on task discipleship-wise, and don't fall into serious sin. I find that this rationale, while useful and descriptive of the benefits of community, is still lacking something essential about community.
4. I argue that "Accountability" is not the primary reason that Christians should be in community. I base this on the fact that Jesus Christ, theoretically, would not have needed accountability, and therefore wouldn't really need community. Sin (including wandering from the faith and heresy and "big sins") cannot and should not be our primary reason for community.
5. I plead ignorance regarding a succinct and positive definition of community. I'm working on it. Need your help.
That's the short summary.
:: Matt 2/17/2003 12:03:00 AM :: permalink ::