:: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 ::
Discipleship Group
This evening I spent three hours with the two guys I am intentionally leading in discipleship. Both are freshmen here at UIUC. I continue to be encouraged by their passion for God and by their desire to grow into the image of God in Christlikeness.
Tonight I introduced them to Lectio Divina - the Benedictine way of praying the scriptures. Instead of just reading the scriptures, or studying them, Lectio Divina helps us encounter God himself in the scriptures as he speaks his word of life into our beings. In Lectio we trust that the Holy Spirit and our spirit will collaborate to discover the part of the passage that we need to hear and meditate on. We invite God to do what he has promised - to speak to us through his words written in the scriptures, allowing us to encounter his Word, Jesus Christ.
The last hour and a half were spent cooking and eating a meal together. This made the meeting "ordinary" and the meal "extraordinary." We joined other friends and ate together - an expression of our love, our friendship, our common desire to grow in Christ and our common humanity.
:: Matt 2/11/2004 07:40:00 PM :: permalink ::