:: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 ::
Ah, But I Wish It Didn't Hurt
I've discovered that my job as the coordinator of Service Ministries has gotten a bit personal. I'm involved with a group here in town once a week now, along with some people from my church. And it frustrates me to no end that I am not in charge. This is really what "killing the flesh" is about, isn't it? I've talked a good show, but now when the rubber hits the road, I'm frustrated. My self-importance is being hammered on. I'm not the shining star. I'm working the basic stuff, behind the scenes, away from the glory. And it hurts.
Dare I say it? I need even more of this... bring it on, God!
:: Matt 10/22/2003 10:23:00 PM :: permalink ::