:: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 ::
Still no leads on video projectors or other electronic gadgets. Doh!
I've spent nearly the entire day working on a paper that is to be 10 - 15 double-spaced pages with citations from at least ten different sources. I have twelve pages, and I haven't finished what I want to say, and I haven't quoted a single source other than the Bible. I've got to have this done by Friday around noon so I can go make my presentation this weekend.
But one of the passages I am working with is speaking to me now: Do not fear what they fear. Fear God. (Isaiah 8:13) Sometimes I can get in the "freak-out" mode on this stuff. This passage warns that this sort of attitude is not just unhealthy, it is unfaithful to God who promises to be present always.
I believe, help my unbelief!!!
:: Matt 3/12/2003 10:45:00 PM :: permalink ::